Class CertificateSet

  extended by iaik.cms.CertificateSet

public class CertificateSet
extends java.lang.Object

This class implements the CMS type CertificateSet. The Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) (RFC 5652) specifies the CertificateSet type for modeling certificates:

 CertificateSet ::= SET OF CertificateChoices
CertificateChoices ::= CHOICE { certificate Certificate, -- see X.509 extendedCertificate [0] IMPLICIT ExtendedCertificate, -- Obsolete; see PKCS#6 v1AttrCert [1] IMPLICIT AttributeCertificateV1, -- Obsolete; see X.509-1997 v2AttrCert [2] IMPLICIT AttributeCertificateV2, -- see X509-2000 other [3] IMPLICIT OtherCertificateFormat } OtherCertificateFormat ::= SEQUENCE { otherCertFormat OBJECT IDENTIFIER, otherCert ANY DEFINED BY otherCertFormat } CertificateSet ::= SET OF CertificateChoices
For creating an empty CertificateSet use the default constructor and subsequently supply certificates by calling method setCertificates or a addCertificate method.

Attention! Only X.509 public key certificates (instances of iaik.x509.X509Certificate) or X.509 attribute certificates (instances of iaik.x509.attr.AttributeCertificate) or other certificates (instances of iaik.cms.OtherCertificate) can be added to this CertificateSet; PKCS#6 extended certificates are obsolete and therefore not supported, e.g.:

 CertificateSet certSet = new CertificateSet();
 X509Certificate x509Cert = ...;
 AttributeCertificate attCert = ...;
 OtherCertificate otherCert = ...;

See Also:
X509Certificate, AttributeCertificate

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
CertificateSet(java.io.InputStream is)
          Creates a new CertificateSet where the DER encoded data is read from the given InputStream.
Method Summary
 void addCertificate(java.security.cert.Certificate certificate)
          Adds the given certificate to this CertificateSet.
 void addCertificateChoices(CertificateChoices certificateChoices)
          Adds the given CertificateChoices to this CertificateSet.
 void addCertificateChoices(CertificateChoices[] certificateChoices)
          Adds the given CertificateChoices array to this CertificateSet.
 void addCertificates(java.security.cert.Certificate[] certificates)
          Adds the given certificates to this CertificateSet.
 boolean containsAttributeCertificates()
          Asks whether attribute certificates are included.
 boolean containsOtherCertificates()
          Asks whether RFC 5652 other certificates are included.
 boolean containsX509Certificates()
          Asks whether X.509 certificates are included.
 void decode(java.io.InputStream is)
          Decodes a CertifcateSet from the given InputStream.
 AttributeCertificate[] getAttributeCertificates()
          Gets all included attribute certificates from this CertificateSet.
 int getAttributeCertificateType()
          Checks if version 1 or 2 AttributeCertificates are included in this CertificateSet.
 CertificateChoices[] getCertificateChoices()
          Gets all included CertificateChoices elements.
 java.security.cert.Certificate[] getCertificates()
          Gets the certificates from this CertificateSet.
 OtherCertificate[] getOtherCertificates()
          Gets all included RFC 5652 other certificates from this CertificateSet.
 X509Certificate getX509Certificate(CertificateIdentifier certID)
          Gets the X.509 certificate identified by the given CertIdentifier.
 X509Certificate[] getX509Certificates()
          Gets all included X.509 certificates from this CertificateSet.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Asks if this CertificateSet is empty.
 void removeAllCertificates()
          Removes all certificates from this CertificateSet.
 void setCertificateChoices(CertificateChoices[] certificateChoices)
          Sets the CertificateChoices of this CertificateSet.
 void setCertificates(java.security.cert.Certificate[] certificates)
          Sets the certificates of this CertificateSet.
 int size()
          Gets size of this CertificateSet.
 ASN1Object toASN1Object()
          Returns this CertifcateSet as ASN1Object.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string giving some information about this CertificateSet object.
 void writeTo(java.io.OutputStream os)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CertificateSet()
Default constructor.

Creates an empty CertificateSet. Supply certificates to be included by calling method setCertificates or a addCertificate method.


public CertificateSet(java.io.InputStream is)
               throws CMSParsingException,
Creates a new CertificateSet where the DER encoded data is read from the given InputStream.

is - the InputStream holding a DER encoded CertificateSet
java.io.IOException - if an I/O error occurs during reading from the InputStream
CMSParsingException - if an error occurs while parsing the object; e.g. the encoding is invalid, or PKCS#6 extended certificates (obsolete) are included
Method Detail


public void setCertificates(java.security.cert.Certificate[] certificates)
Sets the certificates of this CertificateSet.

Attention! Only X.509 public key certificates (instances of iaik.x509.X509Certificate) or X.509 attribute certificates (instances of iaik.x509.attr.AttributeCertificate) or other certificates (instances of iaik.cms.OtherCertificate) can be added to this CertificateSet; PKCS#6 extended certificates are obsolete and therefore not supported.

certificates - the certificates to be set
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any of the supplied certificates is not a iaik.x509.X509Certificate or iaik.x509.attr.AttributeCertificate or iaik.cms.OtherCertificate object


public void addCertificates(java.security.cert.Certificate[] certificates)
Adds the given certificates to this CertificateSet.

Attention! Only X.509 public key certificates (instances of iaik.x509.X509Certificate) or X.509 attribute certificates (instances of iaik.x509.attr.AttributeCertificate) or other certificates (instances of iaik.cms.OtherCertificate) can be added to this CertificateSet; PKCS#6 extended certificates are obsolete and therefore not supported.

certificates - the certificates to add
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any of the supplied certificates is not a iaik.x509.X509Certificate or iaik.x509.attr.AttributeCertificate or iaik.cms.OtherCertificate object


public void addCertificate(java.security.cert.Certificate certificate)
Adds the given certificate to this CertificateSet.

Attention! Only X.509 public key certificates (instances of iaik.x509.X509Certificate) or X.509 attribute certificates (instances of iaik.x509.attr.AttributeCertificate) or other certificates (instances of iaik.cms.OtherCertificate) can be added to this CertificateSet; PKCS#6 extended certificates are obsolete and therefore not supported.

certificate - the certificates to be added
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied certificate is not a iaik.x509.X509Certificate or iaik.x509.attr.AttributeCertificate or iaik.cms.OtherCertificate object


public java.security.cert.Certificate[] getCertificates()
Gets the certificates from this CertificateSet.

The array returned may contain X.509 public key certificates (instances of iaik.x509.X509Certificate and/or X.509 attribute certificates (instances of iaik.x509.attr.AttributeCertificate); PKCS#6 extended certificates are obsolete and therefore not supported.

an array containing all certificates included in this CertificateSet; the array may be empty if no certificates are included


public X509Certificate getX509Certificate(CertificateIdentifier certID)
Gets the X.509 certificate identified by the given CertIdentifier.

If no certificate in this CertificateSet is identified by the given certificate identifier null is returned.

certID - the CertificateIdentifier to be searched for a matching certificate
the certificate identified by the given identifier ot null if not found


public X509Certificate[] getX509Certificates()
Gets all included X.509 certificates from this CertificateSet.

an array containing all X.509 public key certificates included in this CertificateSet; the array may be empty if no X.509 certificates are included


public AttributeCertificate[] getAttributeCertificates()
Gets all included attribute certificates from this CertificateSet.

an array containing all attribute certificates included in this CertificateSet; the array may be empty if no attribute certificates are included


public OtherCertificate[] getOtherCertificates()
Gets all included RFC 5652 other certificates from this CertificateSet.

an array containing all other certificates included in this CertificateSet; the array may be empty if no other certificates are included


public boolean isEmpty()
Asks if this CertificateSet is empty.

true if there are no certificates in this CertificateSet, false otherwise


public int size()
Gets size of this CertificateSet.

number of CertificateChoices included in this CertificateSet


public boolean containsAttributeCertificates()
Asks whether attribute certificates are included.

true if there are attribute certificates in this CertificateSet, false otherwise


public int getAttributeCertificateType()
Checks if version 1 or 2 AttributeCertificates are included in this CertificateSet.

0 if there are no attribute certificates in this CertificateSet, 1 if there are version 1 attribute certificates included only 2 if there attribute certificates are included and at least one of those certs is a version 2 attribute certificate


public boolean containsX509Certificates()
Asks whether X.509 certificates are included.

true if there are X.509 certificates in this CertificateSet, false otherwise


public boolean containsOtherCertificates()
Asks whether RFC 5652 other certificates are included.

true if there are other certificates in this CertificateSet, false otherwise


public void removeAllCertificates()
Removes all certificates from this CertificateSet.


public void addCertificateChoices(CertificateChoices certificateChoices)
Adds the given CertificateChoices to this CertificateSet.

certificateChoices - the CertificateChoices to be added


public void addCertificateChoices(CertificateChoices[] certificateChoices)
Adds the given CertificateChoices array to this CertificateSet.

certificateChoices - the CertificateChoices array to be added


public void setCertificateChoices(CertificateChoices[] certificateChoices)
Sets the CertificateChoices of this CertificateSet.

certificateChoices - the CertificateChoices to be set


public CertificateChoices[] getCertificateChoices()
Gets all included CertificateChoices elements.

Note that this method returns an array of CertificateChoices objects, whereas method getCertificates returns the Certificate elements included in the CertificateChoices objects. Calling getCertificateChoices may be preferred to get the encoding of each CertificateChoices object if required:

 CertificateSet certSet = ...;
 CertificateChoices[] certificateChoices = certSet.getCertificateChoices();
 for (int i = 0; i < certificateChoices.length; i++) {
   byte[] encodedCertificateChoices = certificateChoices[i].getEncoded();

all included CertificateChoices elements


public void decode(java.io.InputStream is)
            throws java.io.IOException,
Decodes a CertifcateSet from the given InputStream.

is - the input stream supplying the encoded CertificateSet
java.io.IOException - if an I/O error occurs during reading from the InputStream
CMSParsingException - if an error occurs while parsing the object e.g. the encoding is invalid, or PKCS#6 extended certificates (obsolete) are included


public ASN1Object toASN1Object()
                        throws CodingException
Returns this CertifcateSet as ASN1Object.

RFC 5652 specifies the CertificateSet type as SET OF CertificateChoices:

 CertificateSet ::= SET OF CertificateChoices
CertificateChoices ::= CHOICE { certificate Certificate, -- see X.509 extendedCertificate [0] IMPLICIT ExtendedCertificate, -- Obsolete; see PKCS#6 v1AttrCert [1] IMPLICIT AttributeCertificateV1, -- Obsolete; see X.509-1997 v2AttrCert [2] IMPLICIT AttributeCertificateV2, -- see X509-2000 other [3] IMPLICIT OtherCertificateFormat } OtherCertificateFormat ::= SEQUENCE { otherCertFormat OBJECT IDENTIFIER, otherCert ANY DEFINED BY otherCertFormat } CertificateSet ::= SET OF CertificateChoices

this CertificateSet as ASN1Object of type SET
CodingException - if an error occurs while building the ASN.1 structure


public void writeTo(java.io.OutputStream os)
             throws java.io.IOException


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string giving some information about this CertificateSet object.

toString in class java.lang.Object
the string representation

This Javadoc may contain text parts from text parts from IETF Internet Standard specifications (see copyright note).

IAIK-CMS 6.0, (c) 2002 IAIK, (c) 2003, 2023 SIC