Class JMailSMimeSigned

  extended by iaik.cms.SignedDataStream
      extended by iaik.smime.SMimeSigned
          extended by iaik.smime.JMailSMimeSigned
All Implemented Interfaces:
EncodeListener, ContentStream, EOFListener, java.util.EventListener

public class JMailSMimeSigned
extends SMimeSigned

This class extends class SMimeSigned for ensuring to write the body parts in right order. When writing an explicit signed message, for calculating the hash it is important that the data carrying body part is written before the signature part. Since JavaMail calls any participated writeTo method twice and works with several threads, extra care has been taken to ensure the correct writing order. This class only extends the SMimeSigned class to force the data body part to be written before the signature. This is be done in a separate class because - for use in other applications - the SMimeSigned class should be not responsible on Java Mail parts.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class iaik.cms.SignedDataStream
blockSize_, certSet_, contentType_, crls_, encapContentInfo_, EXPLICIT, IMPLICIT, inputStream_, mode_, securityProvider_, signerInfos_, thisObject_, version_
Constructor Summary
JMailSMimeSigned(java.io.InputStream is)
          Reads a JMailSMimeSigned message from an InputStream.
JMailSMimeSigned(java.io.InputStream is, AlgorithmID[] hashAlgorithm)
          Creates a new JMailSMimeSigned from an InputStream holding the signed data and an algorithm specifying the hash algorithm to use for digesting.
JMailSMimeSigned(java.io.InputStream is, int mode)
          Creates a JMailSMimeSigned object from an input stream which supplies the data to be signed.
Method Summary
 byte[] toByteArray()
          Returns this JMailSMimeSigned object as DER encoded byte array.
 void writeTo(java.io.OutputStream os)
          Writes this JMailSMimeSigned object to the supplied output stream.
 void writeTo(java.io.OutputStream os, int blockSize)
          Writes this JMailSMimeSigned object to the supplied output stream.
Methods inherited from class iaik.smime.SMimeSigned
addSigner, addSigner, addSigner, addSigner, addSigner, addSigner, addSigner, addSigner, addSigner, getMode, toASN1Object, toString, verify, verify
Methods inherited from class iaik.cms.SignedDataStream
addCertificates, addCRLs, addDigestAlgorithm, addSDSEncodeListener, addSignerInfo, clearSignatures, decode, encodeCalled, getAttributeCertificates, getBlockSize, getCertificate, getCertificates, getCertificates, getCertificateSet, getContentType, getCRLs, getDigestAlgorithms, getEncapsulatedContentType, getInputStream, getMessageDigest, getRevocationInfoChoices, getSecurityProvider, getSignedDigest, getSignerInfo, getSignerInfo, getSignerInfoIndex, getSignerInfos, getVersion, getX509Certificates, notifyEOF, removeMessageDigest, removeSignerInfo, setBlockSize, setCertificates, setCertificateSet, setCRLs, setInputStream, setMessageDigest, setRevocationInfoChoices, setSDSEncodeListener, setSecurityProvider, setSignerInfos, toASN1Object, toString, verify, verify, verify
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JMailSMimeSigned(java.io.InputStream is,
                        int mode)
Creates a JMailSMimeSigned object from an input stream which supplies the data to be signed.

There are two possible modes:

  1. IMPLICIT: The message is included in der DER encoding. This means the message can only be read from an S/MIME aware mail client. If the signed message also is encrypted, IMPLICIT may be the better choice.
    The IMPLICIT mode corresponds to the application/pkcs7-mime content type.

  2. EXPLICIT: The message is not included in the BER encoding and must be added according to the MIME rules. The DER encoding only contains the signature of the message.
    The EXPLICIT mode corresponds to the multipart/signed content type.

is - a stream supplying the data to sign
mode - IMPLICIT if the message shall be included in the DER encoding, EXPLICIT otherwise


public JMailSMimeSigned(java.io.InputStream is,
                        AlgorithmID[] hashAlgorithm)
                 throws java.io.IOException
Creates a new JMailSMimeSigned from an InputStream holding the signed data and an algorithm specifying the hash algorithm to use for digesting.

This constructor shall be used to process an already existing EXPLICIT JMailSMimeSigned object. It will setup a DigestInputStream where the signed data is piped through. The new InputStream can be retrieved using the method getInputStream for reading the data and thereby piping it through a digest stream for hash calculation.

For subsequently processing the DER encoded JMailSMimeSigned object, use method decode(InpuStream), e.g.:

 AlgorithmID[] algID = { AlgorithmID.sha256 };
 JMailSMimeSigned signed = new JMailSMimeSigned(data_is, algIDs);
 InputStream dataIs = signed.getInputStream();
 byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
 int r;
 while ((r = dataIs.read(buf)) > 0) {
   // do something useful

is - the InputStream holding the raw data supplied by other means, i.e. the first part of a multipart/signed message
hashAlgorithm - the hash algorithm used for digesting the signed data; supplied as array of hash algorithms as required by the parent SignedDataStream class, but actually containing only one digest algorithm identifier for the one and only signer
java.io.IOException - if an I/O error occurs or there is no implementation for the specified hash algorithm


public JMailSMimeSigned(java.io.InputStream is)
                 throws java.io.IOException
Reads a JMailSMimeSigned message from an InputStream.

Do not use this constructor for supplying the content data to be signed. This constructor may be used by the recipient for parsing an already exisiting JMailSMimeSigned object, supplied as DER encoding from an input stream, that may have been created by means of the writeTo method.

Use the JMailSMimeSigned(InputStream data_is, int mode) constructor for supplying the content data to be signed when creating a JMailSMimeSigned object.

This constructor only shall be used for decoding a JMailSMimeSigned object with included raw data (implicit mode).
To initialize a JMailSMimeSigned object for parsing an explicit message where the raw data is not included, use the JMailSMimeSigned(InputStream is, AlgorithmID[] hashAlgorithms) constructor, and perform the decoding explicitly by calling the decode method.

is - the input stream where the DER encoded message shall be read from
java.io.IOException - if an I/O error or parsing problem occurs
Method Detail


public byte[] toByteArray()
                   throws CMSException
Returns this JMailSMimeSigned object as DER encoded byte array.

this JMailSMimeSigned object as byte array


public void writeTo(java.io.OutputStream os)
             throws java.io.IOException
Writes this JMailSMimeSigned object to the supplied output stream. Automatically enforces block encoding with a block size of 2048.

writeTo in class SMimeSigned
os - the output stream to which this JMailSMimeSigned shall be written
java.io.IOException - if an error occurs while writing to the stream


public void writeTo(java.io.OutputStream os,
                    int blockSize)
             throws java.io.IOException
Writes this JMailSMimeSigned object to the supplied output stream. The blockSize parameter indicates the block size to be used for performimg block encoding.

writeTo in class SMimeSigned
os - the output stream to which this JMailSMimeSigned shall be written
blockSize - the block size for performing block encoding
java.io.IOException - if an error occurs while writing to the stream

This Javadoc may contain text parts from text parts from IETF Internet Standard specifications (see copyright note).

IAIK-CMS 6.0, (c) 2002 IAIK, (c) 2003, 2023 SIC