Class SMimeUtil

  extended by iaik.smime.SMimeUtil

public class SMimeUtil
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides some utilties.

Method Summary
static Attribute[] createStandardAttributes()
          Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.
static Attribute[] createStandardAttributes(CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID, boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE)
          Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.
static Attribute[] createStandardAttributes(CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID, boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE, ObjectID contentType)
          Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.
static Attribute[] createStandardAttributes(X509Certificate[] signerCerts, AlgorithmID hashAlg, CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID, boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE, ObjectID contentType)
          Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.
static java.lang.String[] getEmailAddresses(X509Certificate certificate)
          Gets all email adresses that are included in the given certificate.
static SMIMECapabilities makeSMIMECapabilitiesAttribute()
          Creates an SMIMECapabilities attribute for AES-256-CBC, AES-128-CBC, DES-EDE-CBC, RC2-CBC (128, 64, 40 bit keylength) and DES-CBC.
static Attributes makeStandardAttributes()
          Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.
static Attributes makeStandardAttributes(CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID, boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE)
          Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.
static Attributes makeStandardAttributes(CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID, boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE, ObjectID contentType)
          Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.
static Attributes makeStandardAttributes(X509Certificate[] signerCerts, AlgorithmID hashAlg, CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID, boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE, ObjectID contentType)
          Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Attribute[] createStandardAttributes()
                                            throws SMimeException
Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.

This method sets the following attributes for the supplied SignerInfo:

Note that this method does not include the MessageDigest attribute. It will be automatically added when setting the attributes for a SignerInfo thereby letting class SignerInfo calculating the message digest value as required.

Note that this method does exactly the same as method makeStandardAttributes but returns the attributes as array.

the attributes just created
SMimeException - if an error occurs when creating/setting the attributes


public static Attribute[] createStandardAttributes(CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID,
                                                   boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE)
                                            throws SMimeException
Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.

This method sets the following attributes for the supplied SignerInfo:

Note that this method does not include the MessageDigest attribute. It will be automatically added when setting the attributes for a SignerInfo thereby letting class SignerInfo calculating the message digest value as required.

Note that this method does exactly the same as method makeStandardAttributes but returns the attributes as array.

encryptionCertID - an ID for the encryption cert of the signer; if not null, the SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference attribute will be included into the SignerInfo
includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE - if true and an encryptionCertID of type IssuerAndSerialNumber is provided, a private MS attribute will be included allowing MSOE to recognize the encryption cert of the signer if using different certs for signing/encryption
the attributes just created
SMimeException - if an error occurs when creating/setting the attributes


public static Attribute[] createStandardAttributes(CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID,
                                                   boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE,
                                                   ObjectID contentType)
                                            throws SMimeException
Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.

This method sets the following attributes for the supplied SignerInfo:

Note that this method does not include the MessageDigest attribute. It will be automatically added when setting the attributes for a SignerInfo thereby letting class SignerInfo calculating the message digest value as required.

Note that this method does exactly the same as method makeStandardAttributes but returns the attributes as array.

encryptionCertID - an ID for the encryption cert of the signer; if not null, the SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference attribute will be included into the SignerInfo
includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE - if true and an encryptionCertID of type IssuerAndSerialNumber is provided, a private MS attribute will be included allowing MSOE to recognize the encryption cert of the signer if using different certs for signing/encryption
contentType - the contentType for the ContentType attribute
the attributes just created
SMimeException - if an error occurs when creating/setting the attributes


public static Attribute[] createStandardAttributes(X509Certificate[] signerCerts,
                                                   AlgorithmID hashAlg,
                                                   CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID,
                                                   boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE,
                                                   ObjectID contentType)
                                            throws SMimeException
Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.

This method sets the following attributes for the supplied SignerInfo:

Note that this method does not include the MessageDigest attribute. It will be automatically added when setting the attributes for a SignerInfo thereby letting class SignerInfo calculating the message digest value as required.

Note that this method does exactly the same as method makeStandardAttributes but returns the attributes as array.

signerCerts - the (ordered) certificate chain of the signer if the SigningCertificate/SigningCertificateV2 attribute shall be included
hashAlg - the hash algorithm for the SigningCertificate/SigningCertificateV2 attribute (default: SHA-1)
encryptionCertID - an ID for the encryption cert of the signer; if not null, the SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference attribute will be included into the SignerInfo
includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE - if true and an encryptionCertID of type IssuerAndSerialNumber is provided, a private MS attribute will be included allowing MSOE to recognize the encryption cert of the signer if using different certs for signing/encryption
contentType - the contentType for the ContentType attribute
the attributes just created
SMimeException - if an error occurs when creating/setting the attributes


public static Attributes makeStandardAttributes()
                                         throws SMimeException
Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.

This method sets the following attributes for the supplied SignerInfo:

Note that this method does not include the MessageDigest attribute. It will be automatically added when setting the attributes for a SignerInfo thereby letting class SignerInfo calculating the message digest value as required.

Note that this method does exactly the same as method createStandardAttributes but returns the attributes as iaik.asn1.structures.Attributes object.

the attributes just created
SMimeException - if an error occurs when creating/setting the attributes


public static Attributes makeStandardAttributes(CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID,
                                                boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE)
                                         throws SMimeException
Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.

This method sets the following attributes for the supplied SignerInfo:

Note that this method does not include the MessageDigest attribute. It will be automatically added when setting the attributes for a SignerInfo thereby letting class SignerInfo calculating the message digest value as required.

Note that this method does exactly the same as method createStandardAttributes but returns the attributes as iaik.asn1.structures.Attributes object.

encryptionCertID - an ID for the encryption cert of the signer; if not null, the SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference attribute will be included into the SignerInfo
includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE - if true and an encryptionCertID of type IssuerAndSerialNumber is provided, a private MS attribute will be included allowing MSOE to recognize the encryption cert of the signer if using different certs for signing/encryption
the attributes just created
SMimeException - if an error occurs when creating/setting the attributes


public static Attributes makeStandardAttributes(CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID,
                                                boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE,
                                                ObjectID contentType)
                                         throws SMimeException
Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.

This method sets the following attributes for the supplied SignerInfo:

Note that this method does not include the MessageDigest attribute. It will be automatically added when setting the attributes for a SignerInfo thereby letting class SignerInfo calculating the message digest value as required.

Note that this method does exactly the same as method createStandardAttributes but returns the attributes as iaik.asn1.structures.Attributes object.

encryptionCertID - an ID for the encryption cert of the signer; if not null, the SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference attribute will be included into the SignerInfo
includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE - if true and an encryptionCertID of type IssuerAndSerialNumber is provided, a private MS attribute will be included allowing MSOE to recognize the encryption cert of the signer if using different certs for signing/encryption
contentType - the contentType for the ContentType attribute
the attributes just created
SMimeException - if an error occurs when creating/setting the attributes


public static Attributes makeStandardAttributes(X509Certificate[] signerCerts,
                                                AlgorithmID hashAlg,
                                                CertificateIdentifier encryptionCertID,
                                                boolean includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE,
                                                ObjectID contentType)
                                         throws SMimeException
Creates a set of standard attributes to may be included into the signedAttributes field of a SignerInfo.

This method sets the following attributes for the supplied SignerInfo:

Note that this method does not include the MessageDigest attribute. It will be automatically added when setting the attributes for a SignerInfo thereby letting class SignerInfo calculating the message digest value as required.

Note that this method does exactly the same as method createStandardAttributes but returns the attributes as iaik.asn1.structures.Attributes object.

signerCerts - the (ordered) certificate chain of the signer if the SigningCertificate/SigningCertificateV2 attribute shall be included
hashAlg - the hash algorithm for the SigningCertificate/SigningCertificateV2 attribute (default: SHA-1)
encryptionCertID - an ID for the encryption cert of the signer; if not null, the SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference attribute will be included into the SignerInfo
includeEncryptionCertIDForMSOE - if true and an encryptionCertID of type IssuerAndSerialNumber is provided, a private MS attribute will be included allowing MSOE to recognize the encryption cert of the signer if using different certs for signing/encryption
contentType - the contentType for the ContentType attribute
the attributes just created
SMimeException - if an error occurs when creating/setting the attributes


public static SMIMECapabilities makeSMIMECapabilitiesAttribute()
Creates an SMIMECapabilities attribute for AES-256-CBC, AES-128-CBC, DES-EDE-CBC, RC2-CBC (128, 64, 40 bit keylength) and DES-CBC.

SMIMECapabilities attribute for AES-256-CBC, AES-128-CBC, DES-EDE-CBC, RC2-CBC (128, 64, 40 bit keylength) and DES-CBC.


public static java.lang.String[] getEmailAddresses(X509Certificate certificate)
Gets all email adresses that are included in the given certificate. This method checks email addresses that are contained in the subject field as well as email addresses that are contained in the SubjectAltName extension, if present.

certificate - the certificate for which to get its email addresses
a String array of all email addresses contained in this certificate; the array maybe empty (if no email addresses are included in the certificate)

This Javadoc may contain text parts from text parts from IETF Internet Standard specifications (see copyright note).

IAIK-CMS 6.0, (c) 2002 IAIK, (c) 2003, 2023 SIC