Class UnknownSecurityCategory

  extended by iaik.smime.ess.SecurityCategory
      extended by iaik.smime.ess.UnknownSecurityCategory
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UnknownSecurityCategory
extends SecurityCategory

This class implements any unknown SecurityCategory value. It tries to show as much information as possible about the SecurityCategory value.

An Unknown SecurityCategory value is a SecurityCategory value for which there exists no registered implementation.

When decoding a the SecurityCategory component contained in an ESSSecurityLabel from its ASN.1 representation a descendant of SecurityCategory is created if there exists an registered implementation of the SecurityCategory value identified by the SecurityCategory type OID. If no implementation exists, an UnknownSecurityCategory is returned allowing to get and parse the ASN.1 representation of the SecurityCategory value.

See Also:
SecurityCategory, ESSSecurityLabel

Constructor Summary
UnknownSecurityCategory(ObjectID type)
          Creates a new unknown SecurityCategory value from the given object identifier.
Method Summary
 void decode(ASN1Object obj)
          Reads the ASN.1 representation of the unknown SecurityCategory value.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Compares this SecurityCategory to the specified object.
 ObjectID getType()
          Returns the SecurityCategory type the unknown SecurityCategory value belongs to.
 ASN1Object toASN1Object()
          Returns an ASN1Object representing this unknown SecurityCategory value.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string that represents the contents of this unknown SecurityCategory value.
Methods inherited from class iaik.smime.ess.SecurityCategory
getName, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UnknownSecurityCategory(ObjectID type)
Creates a new unknown SecurityCategory value from the given object identifier.

type - the OID identifying the type the unknown SecurityCategory value belongs to
Method Detail


public ObjectID getType()
Returns the SecurityCategory type the unknown SecurityCategory value belongs to.

Specified by:
getType in class SecurityCategory
the SecurityCategory type the unknown SecurityCategory belongs to


public void decode(ASN1Object obj)
Reads the ASN.1 representation of the unknown SecurityCategory value.

obj - the ASN1Object representing the unknown SecurityCategory value


public ASN1Object toASN1Object()
Returns an ASN1Object representing this unknown SecurityCategory value.

Because of implicit tagging this method anytime will return an implicit tagged context specific object (see SecurityCategory for more information.

the unknown SecurityCategory value as ASN1Object


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares this SecurityCategory to the specified object.

equals in class SecurityCategory
obj - the object to compare this SecurityCategory against.
true, if the given object is equal to this SecurityCategory, false otherwise


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string that represents the contents of this unknown SecurityCategory value.

Specified by:
toString in class SecurityCategory
the string representation

This Javadoc may contain text parts from text parts from IETF Internet Standard specifications (see copyright note).

IAIK-CMS 6.0, (c) 2002 IAIK, (c) 2003, 2023 SIC