Interface | Description |
ApprovalSignature |
Standard PDF signature as specified in the PDF specification (PDF 32000).
CertificationSignature |
Certification signature as specified in the PDF specification (PDF 32000).
DocumentTimestamp |
Document timestamp used to protect previously added LTV data.
PdfSignatureDetails |
Extracts details of a PDF signature.
Class | Description |
ApprovalSignatureCMS |
This class provides some methods to extract or verify attributes from the provided CAdES
Constants |
Defines constants internally used in the PAdES toolkit.
PdfSignatureEngine |
Engine to create instances of type PdfSignatureInstance.
PdfSignatureInstance |
This class provides methods to create, extract and verify PDF signatures.
Enum | Description |
CertificationSignature.ModificationPermission |
Specifies the types of objects, that may be changed without invalidating the certification
Constants.SubFilter |
Supported values for attribute SubFilter in signature dictionary.
Exception | Description |
PdfSignatureException |
General PAdES toolkit exception.