Class DES


public class DES
extends Object

This class tests the correctness of the DES and Triple-DES implementation. The test data is taken from SSLeay 0.8.0. Generally the test data consist of plain text, cipher text, key data and - except for the ECB mode - an initialization vector (iv). Note that the plain_data, cipher_data and key_data array variables hold text and key data for the ECB-Mode; all the variable names used by the other modes are self explanatory.

The test procedure can be devided into an encrypting and decrypting phase: First the plain data is encrypted according to the selected DES-Mode and compared with the given cipher data. The encrypting algorithm works correctly if each block of the cipher data equals to the corresponding block of the encrypted plain data. Following this the cipher data is decrypted and compared with the input plain data. This step prooves the correctness of the decrypting phase.

File Revision 19

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void main(String[] arg)
          Performs some tests for DES and Triple-DES.
 void start()
          Tests the several modes (ECB, CBC, PCBC, CFB, OFB, CBC for Triple-DES) of the DES algorithm.
 boolean testECB()
          Test the DES - ECB Mode implementation several times.
 boolean testMode(String algorithm, String mode, byte[] key, byte[] iv, byte[] plainData, byte[] cipherData)
          Test the DES implementation in the desired mode.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DES()
Method Detail


public boolean testECB()
                throws Exception
Test the DES - ECB Mode implementation several times.


public boolean testMode(String algorithm,
                        String mode,
                        byte[] key,
                        byte[] iv,
                        byte[] plainData,
                        byte[] cipherData)
                 throws Exception
Test the DES implementation in the desired mode.
algorithm - the implementation to test (DES, 3DES, ...)
mode - the mode of operation (CBC, PCBC, OFB, CFB)
key - the key to use
iv - the initializiation vector to use
plainData - the plainData to encrypt
cipherData - the encrypted data to test the correctness


public void start()
Tests the several modes (ECB, CBC, PCBC, CFB, OFB, CBC for Triple-DES) of the DES algorithm.


public static void main(String[] arg)
Performs some tests for DES and Triple-DES.

This Javadoc may contain text parts from Internet Standard specifications (RFC 2459, 3280, 3039, 2560, 1521, 821, 822, 2253, 1319, 1321, ,2630, 2631, 2268, 3058, 2984, 2104, 2144, 2040, 2311, 2279, see copyright note) and RSA Data Security Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS#1,3,5,7,8,9,10,12, see copyright note).

IAIK-JCE 3.1 with IAIK-JCE CC Core 3.1, (c) 1997-2004 IAIK