Interface CertRequest

All Known Implementing Classes:
CertificateRequest, NetscapeCertRequest

public interface CertRequest

This interface is useful when working with PKCS#10- and Netscape- certificate requests since both classes implement this interface.

File Revision 11
See Also:
CertificateRequest, NetscapeCertRequest

Method Summary
 PublicKey getPublicKey()
          Returns the public key included within this certificate request.
 boolean verify()
          Verifies this self signed certificate request.

Method Detail


public boolean verify()
               throws SignatureException
Verifies this self signed certificate request.
true if the cert request is OK, false if not
SignatureException - if the cert request could not be verified


public PublicKey getPublicKey()
                       throws InvalidKeyException
Returns the public key included within this certificate request.
the public key of the the certificate request

This Javadoc may contain text parts from Internet Standard specifications (RFC 2459, 3280, 3039, 2560, 1521, 821, 822, 2253, 1319, 1321, ,2630, 2631, 2268, 3058, 2984, 2104, 2144, 2040, 2311, 2279, see copyright note) and RSA Data Security Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS#1,3,5,7,8,9,10,12, see copyright note).

IAIK-JCE 3.1 with IAIK-JCE CC Core 3.1, (c) 1997-2004 IAIK