
Class Summary
AESKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the Rijndael cipher.
ARCFOUR This class implements the ARCFOUR cipher as specified by the IETF draft "A Stream Cipher Encryption Algorithm 'Arcfour'" (draft-kaukonen-cipher-arcfour-03.txt).
ARCFOURKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the ARCFOUR cipher.
Blowfish Extends the BufferedCipher class for adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying Blowfish cipher.
BlowfishKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the Blowfish cipher.
CAST128 Extends the BufferedCipher class for adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying CAST128 cipher.
CAST128KeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the CAST128 cipher.
CAST128KeyWrap This class implements the CMS CAST128 Key Wrap key wrap algorithm.
CAST128Parameters This class represents CAST paramters in opaque form and may be used for generating opaque CAST parameters and converting them between various formats.
CAST128ParameterSpec CAST parameter specification.
CAST128WrapParameters This class represents CMS CAST128 key wrap paramters in opaque form and may be used for generating opaque CAST parameters and converting them between various formats.
CAST128WrapParameterSpec CAST parameter specification.
DES Extends the BufferedCipher class for adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying DES cipher.
DESKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of a DES key generator.
DESParameterSpec DES parameter specification.
GeneralKeyFactory This class is the SecretKeyFactory for all symmetric ciphers supported by the IAIK.
GOST Extends the BufferedCipher class for adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying GOST cipher.
GOSTKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the GOST cipher.
GOSTParameterSpec GOST parameter specification.
IDEA Extends the BufferedCipher class for adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying IDEA cipher.
IDEAKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of a IDEA key generator.
IDEAKeyWrap This class implements the CMS IDEA key wrap algorithm.
IvParameters This class represents an initialization vector in opaque form and may be used for generating an opaque IV and converting it between various formats.
MARS Extends the BufferedCipher class adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying MARS cipher.
MARSKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the MARS cipher.
PBEKey A secret key for PBE (Password Based Encryption).
PBEKeyBMP A secret key for PBE (Password Based Encryption).
PbeWithMD5AndDES_CBC This class implements from the Password-Based Encryption Standard (PKCS#5) the algorithm pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC (object identifier: 1.2.840.113549.1.5.3).
PbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC This class implements from the Personal Information Exchange Standard (PKCS#12) the pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC algorithm (object identifier: 1.2.840.113549.
PbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2_CBC This class implements from the Personal Information Exchange Standard (PKCS#12) the algorithm pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2_CBC (object identifier: 1.2.840.113549.
RC2 Extends the BufferedCipher class for adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying RC2 cipher.
RC2KeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the RC2 cipher.
RC2KeyWrap This class implements the CMS RC2 Key Wrap algorithm.
RC2Parameters This class represents RC2 paramters in opaque form and may be used for generating opaque RC2 parameters and converting them between various formats.
RC2WrapParameters This class represents RC2 wrap paramters in opaque form and may be used for generating opaque RC2 parameters and converting them between various formats.
RC2WrapParameterSpec Parameter specification for the CMS RC2 Key Wrap algorithmus.
RC5 Extends the BufferedCipher class for adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying RC5 cipher.
RC5KeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the RC5 or RC6 ciphers.
RC5Parameters This class represents RC5 paramters in opaque form and may be used for generating opaque RC5 parameters and converting them between various formats.
RC6 Implements the RC6 [TM] cipher algorithm.
RC6KeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the RC6 cipher.
Rijndael Extends the BufferedCipher class adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying Rijndael cipher.
Rijndael256 Extends the BufferedCipher class adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying Rijndael cipher.
RijndaelKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the Rijndael cipher.
SecretKey This class represents a secret key as used with symmetric algorithms.
Serpent Extends the BufferedCipher class adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying Serpent cipher.
SerpentKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the Serpent cipher.
TripleDES Extends the BufferedCipher class for adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying TripleDES cipher.
TripleDESKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of a TripleDES key generator.
TripleDESKeyWrap This class implements the CMS TripleDES key wrap algorithm.
Twofish Extends the BufferedCipher class for adding a buffering mechanism to the underlying Twofish cipher.
TwofishKeyGenerator This class provides the functionality of KeyGenerator for generating keys to be used by the Twofish cipher.

This Javadoc may contain text parts from Internet Standard specifications (RFC 2459, 3280, 3039, 2560, 1521, 821, 822, 2253, 1319, 1321, ,2630, 2631, 2268, 3058, 2984, 2104, 2144, 2040, 2311, 2279, see copyright note) and RSA Data Security Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS#1,3,5,7,8,9,10,12, see copyright note).

IAIK-JCE 3.1 with IAIK-JCE CC Core 3.1, (c) 1997-2004 IAIK