Class Summary |
ArrayEnumeration |
This class implements a simple Enumeration over an array.
ASN1InputStream |
This Filter-InputStream can be used to read a lot of different
formats for ASN.1 objects. |
Base64InputStream |
This class represents a FilterOutputStream that decodes Base64 encoded
data passing through it. |
Base64OutputStream |
This class represents a FilterOutputStream that Base64 encodes the data
passing through it. |
CipherInputStream |
Class for en/decrypting data read from an input stream.
ConcatEnumeration |
This class implements an Enumeration that concatenates multiple Enumerations in order. |
CriticalObject |
This class can be used to secure critical objects in memory.
CryptoUtils |
Some useful cryptography utilities. |
EnhancedByteArrayOutputStream |
A ByteArrayOutputStream that tries to avoid copying the data if possible. |
ExtendedProperties |
An enhanced property class.
ExtendedProvider |
The abstract ExtendedProvider class is identical to the standard provider class
except that upon retrieval it automatically checks if the referenced
class is actually available. |
Factory |
This class can be used to manage classes for dynamic instanziation. |
IaikSecurity |
This class handles Security providers, algorithm names, aliases, and so on.
InitBufferedInputStream |
An ordinary BufferedInputStream where the internal buffer can be
initialized with an array. |
KeyAndCertificate |
A simple class for storing a private key and a certificate chain in one file.
LineInputStream |
LineInputStream is an InputStream which can be used to read
lines (as with BufferedReader) or to read the original stream
LineOutputStream |
LineOutputStream is an OutputStream which can be used to write either
lines using methods print() and println() or byte arrays (stream interface).
MacInputStream |
A stream implementation for MACing the data read from an input stream.
MacOutputStream |
A stream implementation for MACing the data written to an output stream.
NotifyEOFInputStream |
This is an ordinary InputStream which notifies all listeners when
the end of a stream has been reached. |
NumberTheory |
Some useful number theoretic utility methods. |
PemOutputStream |
This stream can be used to convert a binary DER output stream to a
PEM style base64 encoded output stream.
PretendedMessageDigest |
This class pretends to be a MessageDigest engine.
ReplaceInputStream |
This class provides an utility for replacing substrings of a given
stream by pre-defined other streams.
RFC2253NameParser |
Implements functionality to parse the UTF-8 string representation of a X.501 Name, according to
RFC 2253.
SmtpMailer |
This class implements a simple SMTP mailing tool.
SSLeayPrivateKey |
The SSLeayPrivateKey is used to read/write and decrypt/encrypt
private keys created with SSLeay.
StreamCopier |
This utility class copies all data from an InputStream to an OutputStream. |
TracedInputStream |
A TracedInputStream traces all the data which is read from an InputStream.
Util |
This class provides some general useful methods. |
This Javadoc may contain text parts from Internet Standard specifications (RFC 2459, 3280, 3039, 2560, 1521, 821, 822, 2253, 1319, 1321, ,2630, 2631, 2268, 3058, 2984, 2104, 2144, 2040, 2311, 2279, see copyright note) and RSA Data Security Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS#1,3,5,7,8,9,10,12, see copyright note).