Interface | Description |
EOFListener |
The listener interface for receiving EOF events.
Class | Description |
ArrayEnumeration |
This class implements a simple Enumeration over an array.
ASN1InputStream |
This Filter-InputStream can be used to read a lot of different formats for
ASN.1 objects.
Base64InputStream |
This class represents a FilterOutputStream that decodes Base64 encoded
data passing through it.
Base64OutputStream |
This class represents a FilterOutputStream that Base64 encodes the data
passing through it.
CipherInputStream |
Class for en/decrypting data read from an input stream.
CipherOutputStream |
Class for en/decrypting data to be written to an output stream.
CollectionVector |
Internal collection vector for JDK11x compliant implementing the
and CertificateFactory.engineGenerateCRLs API. |
ComparableByteArray |
This is a wrapper class to implement a comparable byte array.
ConcatEnumeration |
This class implements an Enumeration that concatenates multiple Enumerations
in order.
ConvertKeyStore |
Tool for converting key store entries from one keystore to another
keystore (of different type).
CriticalObject |
This class can be used to secure critical objects in memory.
CryptoUtils |
Some useful cryptography utilities.
DumpKeyStore |
Utility to write the contents of a Java KeyStore to PKCS#12, PKCS#7 and X.509
DER files.
EnhancedByteArrayOutputStream |
A ByteArrayOutputStream that tries to avoid copying the data if possible.
ExtByteArrayOutputStream |
An extended version of the ByteArrayOutputStream.
ExtendedProperties |
An enhanced property class.
ExtendedProvider |
The abstract ExtendedProvider class is identical to the standard provider class
except that upon retrieval it automatically checks if the referenced
class is actually available.
ExtendedUniversalKeyStore |
Extends the
UniversalKeyStore implementation about the possibility of
specifying protection parameters (if supported by the JDK in use and any of the base key stores) when adding
a KeyStore entry or storing the KeyStore. |
ExtendedUniversalKeyStore.P12JKSKeyStore |
UniversalKeyStore with "PKCS12" as primary KeyStore type and
"JKS" as secondary (fallback) type to may be used to solve
JSSE default KeyStore parsing problems.
Factory |
This class can be used to manage classes for dynamic instanziation.
IAIKPasswordStore |
This class implements a password store, which can be used in a similar
fashion as JCE key stores.
IaikSecurity |
This class handles Security providers, algorithm names, aliases, and so on.
InitBufferedInputStream |
An ordinary BufferedInputStream where the internal buffer can be
initialized with an array.
KeyAndCertificate |
A simple class for storing a private key and a certificate chain in one file.
LineInputStream |
LineInputStream is an InputStream which can be used to read
lines (as with BufferedReader) or to read the original stream
LineOutputStream |
LineOutputStream is an OutputStream which can be used to write either
lines using methods print() and println() or byte arrays (stream interface).
MacInputStream |
A stream implementation for MACing the data read from an input stream.
MacOutputStream |
A stream implementation for MACing the data written to an output stream.
NotifyEOFInputStream |
This is an ordinary InputStream which notifies all listeners when
the end of a stream has been reached.
NumberTheory |
Some useful number theoretic utility methods.
ObjectFactory |
This class can be used to manage classes for dynamic instantiation.
PasswordGenerator |
Password generator for generating secure random passwords.
PasswordStrengthChecker |
This class offers functionality to determine the strength of passwords.
PemOutputStream |
This stream can be used to convert a binary DER output stream to a
PEM style base64 encoded output stream.
PretendedMessageDigest |
This class pretends to be a MessageDigest engine.
ReplaceInputStream |
This class provides an utility for replacing substrings of a given stream by
pre-defined other streams.
RFC2253NameParser |
Implements functionality to parse the UTF-8 string representation of a X.501
Name, according to RFC 2253.
RFC2253NameParser.AVA |
Represents the parsing result for a Attribute-Value-Assertion.
RFC2253NameParser.ParsedName |
Represents the parsing result for a Name.
RFC2253NameParser.ParsedRDN |
Represents the parsing result for a Relative Distinguished Name.
RFC2253NameParser.ShortNameOIDAssociation |
Provides functionality to map a Short Name of an well known Object
Identifier to the corresponding Object Identifier.
SmtpMailer |
This class implements a simple SMTP mailing tool.
SSLeayPrivateKey |
SSLeayPrivateKey is used to read/write and decrypt/encrypt
private keys created with SSLeay or OpenSSL, respectively. |
StreamCopier |
This utility class copies all data from an InputStream to an OutputStream.
TracedInputStream |
A TracedInputStream traces all the data which is read from an InputStream.
UniversalKeyStore |
Universal KeyStore utility for reading Java key stores without using
a specific format.
UniversalKeyStore.KeyStoreType |
Identifies a KeyStore by its type (e.g.
UniversalKeyStore.PKCS12JKSKeyStore |
UniversalKeyStore with "PKCS12" as primary KeyStore type and
"JKS" as secondary (fallback) type to may be used to solve
JSSE default KeyStore parsing problems.
URLDecoder |
URL decoding utility.
Util |
This class provides some general useful methods.
Exception | Description |
Base64Exception |
Exception for invalid BASE64 streams.
InternalErrorException |
This exception is thrown, if there occurs an internal error caused by some
development error and not by an user of the application.
RFC2253NameParserException |
Signals that a error has occured while executing a method of class
RFC2253NameParser . |
SmtpException |
SMTP Exceptions of SMTPmail are derived from here.
UTF8CodingException |
Signals that an UTF8 encoding/decoding error has occurred.