Class ALPNProtocolNameList

  extended by iaik.security.ssl.Extension
      extended by iaik.security.ssl.ALPNProtocolNameList
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ALPNProtocolNameList
extends Extension
implements java.lang.Cloneable

This class implements the ProtocolNameList structure as used by the application_layer_protocol_negotiation TLS extension (see RFC 7301).

The application_layer_protocol_negotiation (ALPN) extension allows to negotiate the application layer protocol within the TLS handshake. For doing so the client sends an ALPN extension containing the names of the application layer protocols it supports (in preference order). The server compares the protocol names got from the client with its locally configured list and sends back an ALPN extension containing the first of its protocol names that matches to any of the protocol names received from the client. If the server does not support any of the client protocols it sends back a fatal "NO APPLICATION PROTOCOL" alert.

RFC 7301 defines an ALPN ProtocolNameList as list of protocol names:

   opaque ProtocolName<1..2^8-1>;

  struct {
      ProtocolName protocol_name_list<2..2^16-1>
  } ProtocolNameList;
When creating an ALPNProtocolName object the encoded and/or not encoded name value have to be specified, e.g.:
 String protocolName = ...;
 byte[] encodedProtocolName = ...;
 ALPNProtocolName protocolName = new ALPNProtocolName(protocolName, encodedProtocolName);
If the encoded name is not specified it is UTF-8 encoding before sent to the peer. If the name is not specified the encoded name is UTF-8 decoded.

On the client side you will use the ALPNProtocolName class to build an ALPNProtocolNameList to be sent to the server. You can create ALPNProtocolName objects on your own or use any of the predefined names e.g.:

 // create protocol name list for http/1.1 and http/2
 ALPNProtocolName[] protocolNames = { ALPNProtocolName.PN_HTTP_11, ALPNProtocolName.PN_H_2 };
 ALPNProtocolNameList protocolNameList = new ALPNProtocolNameList(protocolNames);
 // add to ExtensionList
 ExtensionList extensions = new ExtensionList();
 // set extensions for the SSLClientContext configuration:
 SSLClientContext clientContext = new SSLClientContext();
When having finished the handshake you may get the negotiated protocol name by asking the SSLSocket for the ProtocolNameList included in the active extension list (extensions negotiated between client and server) or in the peer extension list (extensions got from the server). Since the server is only allowed to send an ALPN extension containing one protocol name only, the ALPNProtocolNameList got from the active extension list should be equal to the one got from the peer extension list (if the server has sent back an ALPN extension):
 SSLContext clientContext = ...;
 // set extensions (including ALPN)
 String serverName = ...;
 int serverPort = ...;
 // create SSLSocket, perform handshake, e.g.:
 SSLSocket sslSocket = new SSLSocket(serverName, serverPort, clientContext);
 // get ALPN extension and protocol name sent by the server:
 ExtensionList activeExtensions = socket.getActiveExtensions();
 if (activeExtensions != null) {
   ALPNProtocolNameList protocolNameList = (ALPNProtocolNameList)activeExtensions.getExtension(ALPNProtocolNameList.TYPE);
   if (protocolNameList != null) {
     ALPNProtocolName[] protocolNames = protocolNameList.getProtocolNames();
     System.out.println("Using ALPN protocol: " + protocolNames[0]);
If you set the critical flag of a client-side ALPNProtocolNameList to true (client-side default), the handshake will be aborted if the server does not respond with a ALPN extension or has sent an ALPN extension containing none or more than one protocol names. If the server has sent an "no_application_protocol" fatal alert, the handshake will be aborted in any case, regardless if the client-side ALPNProtocolNameList extension is configured as critical or not critical.

On the server side you may use the ALPNProtocolName class to build an ALPNProtocolNameList to tell the server which protocol names may be accepted from the client e.g.:

 // create protocol name list for http/1.1 and http/2
 ALPNProtocolName[] protocolNames = { ALPNProtocolName.PN_HTTP_11, ALPNProtocolName.PN_H_2 };
 ALPNProtocolNameList protocolNameList = new ALPNProtocolNameList(protocolNames);
 // add to ExtensionList
 ExtensionList extensions = new ExtensionList();
 // set extensions for the SSLServerContext configuration:
 SSLServerContext serverContext = new SSLServerContext();
If you set the critical flag of a server-side application_layer_protocol_negotiation extension to true, the handshake will be aborted if the client does not send a application_layer_protocol_negotiation extension within the extended ClientHello message or the client has sent an empty ALPN extension.

By default ALPN extensions are not critical.

File Revision 33
See Also:
ALPNProtocolName, Extension, ExtensionList

Field Summary
static ExtensionType TYPE
          The type (16) of the application_layer_protocol_negotiation extension.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new ALPNProtocolNameList.
ALPNProtocolNameList(ALPNProtocolName protocolName)
          Creates an ALPNProtocolNameList for the given protocol name.
ALPNProtocolNameList(ALPNProtocolName[] protocolNames)
          Creates an ALPNProtocolNameList for the given protocol names.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Returns a clone of this protocol name list.
 boolean contains(ALPNProtocolName protocolName)
          Checks if this protocol name list contains the given protocol name.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Checks if this protocol name list is equal to the given object.
 ALPNProtocolName[] getProtocolNames()
          Gets the protocol names included in this protocol name list.
 int hashCode()
          Gets a hash code of this protocol name list.
 void setProtocolNames(ALPNProtocolName[] protocolNames)
          Sets the protocol names of this protocol name list.
 int size()
          Gets the number of protocol names included in this protocol name list.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Gets a String representation of this protocol name list.
Methods inherited from class iaik.security.ssl.Extension
getAllowedProtocolVersions, getExtensionType, getName, getType, setCritical
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ExtensionType TYPE
The type (16) of the application_layer_protocol_negotiation extension.

Constructor Detail


public ALPNProtocolNameList()
Creates a new ALPNProtocolNameList.
Protocol names have to be added by calling method setProtocolNames or method addProtocolName.


public ALPNProtocolNameList(ALPNProtocolName[] protocolNames)
Creates an ALPNProtocolNameList for the given protocol names.

protocolNames - the protocol names
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given ALPNProtocolNames array is empty or contains a null element


public ALPNProtocolNameList(ALPNProtocolName protocolName)
Creates an ALPNProtocolNameList for the given protocol name.

Additional protocol names may be added by calling method addProtocolName.

protocolName - the protocol name
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given ALPNProtocolName is null
Method Detail


public ALPNProtocolName[] getProtocolNames()
Gets the protocol names included in this protocol name list.

the protocol names as array of ALPNProtocolName objects; the array maybe empty if no protocol names are included in the list


public void setProtocolNames(ALPNProtocolName[] protocolNames)
Sets the protocol names of this protocol name list.

protocolNames - the protocol names to be set
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given ALPNProtocolNames array is empty or contains a null element


public int size()
Gets the number of protocol names included in this protocol name list.

the number of protocol names included in this protocol name list


public int hashCode()
Gets a hash code of this protocol name list.

hashCode in class java.lang.Object
a hash code of this protocol name list


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Checks if this protocol name list is equal to the given object.

Two protocol name list are treated as equal if they contain the same ALPNProtocolName objects (same number and same order). The critical value is not checked by this method.

equals in class java.lang.Object
true if this ALPNProtocolNameList is equal to the given object, false if it is not equal to it


public boolean contains(ALPNProtocolName protocolName)
Checks if this protocol name list contains the given protocol name.

true if this protocol name list contains the given protocol name, false if it does not contain it


public java.lang.Object clone()
Returns a clone of this protocol name list.

clone in class Extension
a clone of this protocol name list


public java.lang.String toString()
Gets a String representation of this protocol name list.

Specified by:
toString in class Extension
a String representation of the protocol name list

This Javadoc may contain text parts from text parts from IETF Internet Standard specifications (see copyright note).

iSaSiLk 6.0, (c) 2002 IAIK, (c) 2003 - 2015 SIC