Class TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig

  extended by iaik.security.ssl.TLS13PostHandshakeConfig
      extended by iaik.security.ssl.TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static final class TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig
extends TLS13PostHandshakeConfig
implements java.lang.Cloneable

Configuration for post handshake type NEW_SESSION_TICKET.

At at time after the regular handshake has been finished a server can send one or more NewSessionTicket messages to client. Each NewSessionTicket message contains a ticket the client may use to later indicate a session it wants to resume.

To trigger the sending of a NewSessionTicket message a server may specify a TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig object when calling method postHandshake on the SSLSocket communicating with the client:

 SSLSocket sslSocket = ...;
 TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig newSessionTicketConfig = new TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig();
It may be of advantage to trigger the sending of a NewSessionTicket message during writing data to the client:
 SSLSocket sslSocket = ...;
 TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig newSessionTicketConfig = new TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig();
If the server wants to send more than on ticket, it can tell iSaSiLk to do so by specifying the number of tickets within the NewSessionTicket configuration:
 SSLSocket sslSocket = ...;
 int numberOfTicketsToBeSent = 2;
 TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig newSessionTicketConfig = new TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig(numberOfTicketsToBeSent);
The number of tickets to be send also can be configured by the iSaSiLk SessionManager. However, the SessionManager settings will only have impact on the number tickets automatically sent by iSaSiLk after having successfully completed a handshake and not by NewSessionTciket messages that have been explicitly triggered by an application.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class iaik.security.ssl.TLS13PostHandshakeConfig
TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13KeyUpdateConfig, TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig, TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13PostHandshakeAuthConfig
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class iaik.security.ssl.TLS13PostHandshakeConfig
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Returns a clone of this TLS13PostHandshakeAuthConfig.
 void setNumberOfTicketsToBeSent(int n)
          Sets the number of tickets to be sent to the client.
Methods inherited from class iaik.security.ssl.TLS13PostHandshakeConfig
setMaxNumberOfPostHandshakeMessages, setMaxNumberOfSubsequentPostHandshakeMessages
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig()
Default constructor. Creates a TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig.

Method Detail


public void setNumberOfTicketsToBeSent(int n)
Sets the number of tickets to be sent to the client.

In TLS 1.3, after having successfully established a session the server can send one or more NewSessionTicket messages to client. Each NewSessionTicket message contains a ticket the client may use to later indicate a session it wants to resume. With this method the number of tickets (and therefore NewSessionTicket) messages can be configured that a TLS 1.3 server shall send to the client. Each NewSessionTicket message will contain a new ticket but will refer to the same base session to may be resumed later on.

n - the number of tickets to be sent to the client (default: 1).


public java.lang.Object clone()
Returns a clone of this TLS13PostHandshakeAuthConfig.

clone in class TLS13PostHandshakeConfig
a clone of this TLS13PostHandshakeAuthConfig

This Javadoc may contain text parts from text parts from IETF Internet Standard specifications (see copyright note).

iSaSiLk 6.0, (c) 2002 IAIK, (c) 2003 - 2015 SIC