Class TrustedAuthority

  extended by iaik.security.ssl.TrustedAuthority
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TrustedAuthority
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable

This class represents a TrustedAuthority as used by the TLS trusted_ca_keys extension (see RFC 4366).

A TrustedAuthority identifies some specific client-trusted ca key by identifier type and identifier:

   struct {
      IdentifierType identifier_type;
      select (identifier_type) {
          case pre_agreed: struct {};
          case key_sha1_hash: SHA1Hash;
          case x509_name: DistinguishedName;
          case cert_sha1_hash: SHA1Hash;
      } identifier;
   } TrustedAuthority;

   enum {
      pre_agreed(0), key_sha1_hash(1), x509_name(2),
      cert_sha1_hash(3), (255)
   } IdentifierType;

   opaque DistinguishedName<1..2^16-1>;
TLS specifies the following four identifier types:
  1. pre_agreed: does not provide any identification information about the CA root key
  2. key_sha1_hash: the CA root key is identified by a SHA-1 hash of the public key. For DSA and ECDSA keys the hash is calculated from the subjectPublicKey field, for RSA keys the hash is calculated from the big-endian byte representation of the modulus (without leading 0-bytes) (see RFC 4366).
  3. x509_name: the CA root key is identified by the DER encoded distinguished name of the CA
  4. cert_sha1_hash: the CA root key is identified by the SHA-1 hash of the DER encoded CA certificate
When creating a TrustedAuthority object you have to specify the identifier type that shall be used for identifying the ca key. However, you may let iSaSiLk calculate the identifier from the ca certificate or you may calculate the identifier yourself and explicitly set it when creating the TrustedAuthority object:
  // the trusted ca certificate
  X509Ceritifcate caCert = ...;
  // create TrustedAuthority
  TrustedAuthority ta = new TrustedAuthority(TrustedAuthority.ID_CERT_SHA1_HASH, caCert);
 // the (already calculated) identifier
  byte[] identifier = ...;
  // create TrustedAuthority
  TrustedAuthority ta = new TrustedAuthority(TrustedAuthority.ID_CERT_SHA1_HASH, identifier);
After having created a TrustedAuthority for each of your trusted ca keys, include them into a TrustedAuthorities list to be sent to the server within a trusted_ca_keys extension:
 // create TrustedAuthorities
 TrustedAuthority[] authorities = ...; 
 TrustedAuthorities trustedAuthorities = new TrustedAuthorities(authorities);
 // add to ExtensionList
 ExtensionList extensions = new ExtensionList();
 // set extensions for the SSLClientContext configuration:
 SSLClientContext clientContext = new SSLClientContext();
However, generally you may prefer to do not use this TrustedAuthority class at all and only tell iSaSiLk which identifier shall be used for the trusted authorities included in a TrustedAuthorities list:
 // create TrustedAuthorities
 int identifierType = TrustedAuthority.ID_CERT_SHA1_HASH; 
 TrustedAuthorities trustedAuthorities = new TrustedAuthorities(identifierType);
 // add to ExtensionList
 ExtensionList extensions = new ExtensionList();
 // set extensions for the SSLClientContext configuration:
 SSLClientContext clientContext = new SSLClientContext();

Field Summary
static int ID_CERT_SHA1_HASH
          Identifier type CERT_SHA1_HASH (3).
static int ID_KEY_SHA1_HASH
          Identifier type KEY_SHA1_HASH (1).
static int ID_PRE_AGREED
          Identifier type PRE_AGREED (0).
static int ID_X509_NAME
          Identifier type X509_NAME (2).
Constructor Summary
TrustedAuthority(int identifierType, byte[] identifier)
          Creates a TrustedAuthority for given identifier type and identifier.
TrustedAuthority(int identifierType, java.security.cert.X509Certificate certificate)
          Creates a TrustedAuthority for the given identifier type from the certificate of the trusted authority.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Gets a clone of this TrustedAuthority.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Checks if this TrustedAuthority is equal to the given object.
 byte[] getIdentifier()
          Gets the identifier of this TrustedAuthority.
 int getIdentifierType()
          Gets the identifier type of this TrustedAuthority.
 java.lang.String getIdentifierTypeAsString()
          Gets the identifier type of this TrustedAuthority as String.
 int hashCode()
          Gets a hash code of this ServerName.
 boolean identifies(java.security.cert.X509Certificate certificate)
          Checks if the given certificate is identified by this TrustedAuthority.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Gets a String representation of this TrustedAuthority.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ID_PRE_AGREED
Identifier type PRE_AGREED (0). If this identifier type is used no identification information about the CA root key is provided.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ID_KEY_SHA1_HASH
Identifier type KEY_SHA1_HASH (1). If this identifier type is used the CA root key is identified by a SHA-1 hash of the public key. For DSA and ECDSA keys the hash is calculated from the subjectPublicKey field, for RSA keys the hash is calculated from the big-endian byte representation of the modulus (without leading 0-bytes) (see RFC 4366).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ID_X509_NAME
Identifier type X509_NAME (2). If this identifier type is used the CA root key is identified by the DER encoded distinguished name of the CA.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ID_CERT_SHA1_HASH
Identifier type CERT_SHA1_HASH (3). If this identifier type is used the CA root key is identified by the SHA-1 hash of the DER encoded CA certificate.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public TrustedAuthority(int identifierType,
                        byte[] identifier)
Creates a TrustedAuthority for given identifier type and identifier.

identifierType - the identifier type; PRE_AGREED (0), KEY_SHA1_HASH (1), KEY_X509_NAME (2), or CERT_SHA1_HASH (3)
identifier - the identifier; as byte array (will be not cloned!) (use a empty byte array for specifying an identifier of type PRE_AGREED) (the identifier byte array is not cloned or copied by this method)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if identifierType is invalid (not PRE_AGREED (0), KEY_SHA1_HASH (1), KEY_X509_NAME (2), or CERT_SHA1_HASH (3)), or if identifier is null (use a empty byte array for specifying an identifier of type PRE_AGREED), or of invalid length (not 20 bytes in case of trype KEY_SHA1_HASH or CERT_SHA1_HASH)


public TrustedAuthority(int identifierType,
                        java.security.cert.X509Certificate certificate)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Creates a TrustedAuthority for the given identifier type from the certificate of the trusted authority. This constructor uses SecurityProvider method SecurityProvider.calculateTrustedAuthorityIdentifier to calculate an identifier of requested type from the given certificate.

identifierType - the identifier type; PRE_AGREED (0), KEY_SHA1_HASH (1), KEY_X509_NAME (2), or CERT_SHA1_HASH (3)
certificate - the certificate of the trusted authority from which the identifier of the requested type has to be calculated
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if identifierType is invalid (not PRE_AGREED (0), KEY_SHA1_HASH (1), KEY_X509_NAME (2), or CERT_SHA1_HASH (3)), or if certificate is null
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurs when calculating the identifier from the certificate
Method Detail


public int getIdentifierType()
Gets the identifier type of this TrustedAuthority.

the identifier type


public java.lang.String getIdentifierTypeAsString()
Gets the identifier type of this TrustedAuthority as String.

the identifier type as String


public byte[] getIdentifier()
Gets the identifier of this TrustedAuthority.

the identifier (not cloned!)


public boolean identifies(java.security.cert.X509Certificate certificate)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Checks if the given certificate is identified by this TrustedAuthority.

certificate - the certificate to be checked
true if this TrustedAuthority identifies the certificate, false if not
java.lang.Exception - if the check cannot be performed because an identifier of the type cannot be calculated from the certificate


public java.lang.Object clone()
Gets a clone of this TrustedAuthority.

clone in class java.lang.Object
a clone of this TrustedAuthority


public int hashCode()
Gets a hash code of this ServerName.

hashCode in class java.lang.Object
a hash code of this ServerName


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Checks if this TrustedAuthority is equal to the given object.

equals in class java.lang.Object
true if this TrustedAuthority is equal to the given object, false if it is not equal to it


public java.lang.String toString()
Gets a String representation of this TrustedAuthority.

toString in class java.lang.Object
a String representation of this TrustedAuthority

This Javadoc may contain text parts from text parts from IETF Internet Standard specifications (see copyright note).

iSaSiLk 6.0, (c) 2002 IAIK, (c) 2003 - 2015 SIC